Cambridge Festivalito
Friday (Sept 29th) @ St. John the Evangelist’s Church, Hills Road
7-11pm : Opening Milonga (TDJ tba)
11:30-2am : Bonus after-party!
Saturday (Sept 30th) @ St. John the Evangelist’s Church, Hills Road
11-12:15pm : Workshop 1 ( Sacadas in comfort for leaders and followers. Who, where, when and how. Working for safe sacadas in social dancing)
12:30-1:45pm Workshop 2 ( Leg wraps and barridas: let’s explore the dialogue through the contact of the free legs!)
6-7pm : Open Class (Tiny and rhythmical. Practice useful small patterns that will fit in all those moments when the music asks you to go fast)
7-11pm : Grand Milonga with performance (TDJ tba)
11:30-2am : Bonus after-party!
Sunday (Oct 1st) @ NCI Centre, Holland Street
11-12:15pm Workshop 3 (Qualities of movement: the suspension. Add texture to your dance, revisiting the way you perform your moves)
12:30-1:45pm Workshop 4 (Exploring Pivots & Crosses. How to use and mix them to create new possibilities. Possibilities using the pivot. Micro-pivot, pivot and over-pivot. Crosses for both roles)
2-6pm : Closing Milonga (TDJ tba)
St John the Evangelist church
Hills Road
Cambridge CB2 8RN
Pablo Inza (Arg) is considered by many to be one of the present day tango scene’s most influential figures and has won respect worldwide for his innovative and creative style. Pablo’s personal style is rich in contrasting dynamics and playful musicality. Frequently invited to some of the largest tango festivals in Europe and North America, Pablo has been teaching and performing around the world since 1999. An excellent teacher with a great capacity for analysis and an innate sense of musicality, Pablo’s classes are popular amongst dancers of all levels.
Sofia Saborido (Arg) A delicate yet intense dancer, Sofia has a extensive background in theatre, ballet, modern and jazz dance. The deep musicality and quality of movement in her dancing is based on a refined and sensitive connection. Being the great grand daughter of Enrique Saborido, a legendary dancer, musician and composer of tangos like La Morocha, Felicia and others, she was literally born with tango in her veins. In 2006 she won the fourth place in the tango championship of Buenos Aires. Since then she dedicates her time on teaching and performing mainly in Europe but also in United States and Asia.

Our international tango DJs lineup is nearly confirmed and we’ll announce it soon. We think you’ll be excited – we certainly are!
Pricing and Registration
Workshop pass: £80 (pre-registration required)
- Includes all four workshops (intermediate/advanced)
- Couples registration advisable
- Register in time; we will close registration once classes are full
Milonga pass: £40 (pre-registration required)
Includes all three milongas (Opening, Grand, Closing) as well as the Open Class on Saturday
A la carte (pre-register or pay at the door, (subject to space availability)
- Any 1 Workshop (Intermediate/Advanced) : £25* (couple registration advisable)
- Friday milonga : £15
- Saturday milonga with performance : £20 or
- Saturday milonga with performance and open class : £25
- Sunday milonga : £15