Double role practica

This is a horizontal space to practice the roles of followers and leaders in Argentine Tango.

It is a neutral space where fluid connections are made whilst dancing.

I was keen to provide a space for practising without the limitations that a class or a milonga may impose.

It could go like this: You arrive when you like, you come in (alone or with friends), you make yourself comfortable, you do your own warm-up/preparation (there will be some yoga mats), make contact with another dancer (cabeceo or something else), a brief discussion on what you both want to work on, agree to work on it or later or never, dance one song or ten, thank you very much and see you later, change partner!

As it is a Double Role dedicated practice space, it emphasises dancing the other role.  Occasionally, the role you usually dance can be practised too, as the brain sometimes needs respite and rebalancing!

Music will be more of a background affair, but some traditional tangos (maybe even in tandas and cortina!) will be played along with other mixes and songs. You are welcome to suggest some music there.

If you enjoy other partner dances (such as Blues and Salsa) and need a space to practice, you are very welcome to attend -knowing that the music will mainly be Tangos!

ADDRESS: The Ringcross Community Centre
60 Lough Road, Islington, London, Greater London, England N7 8RH, UK


Contact: or 07974 619 570


27 Feb 2025


17:30 - 22:30

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Ringross Community Centre, Holloway Road N7 8RH
60 Lough Road, London N7 8RH


Adriana Pegorer
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