You can checkout videos of El Cachivache on YouTube. Here are a couple of examples:


Friday 6th May

7 pm to 8.30 pm – Special Technique Workshop with Tomás Corbalan (Workshop 1) – £20
8.30 pm to 2 am – Friday Gala Milonga with LIVE Electronic Tango Set from El Cachivache – Orkesta and performance from Tomás Corbalan and Paula Duarte. DJ: Diego Doigneau – £30

Saturday 7th May

2 pm to 6 pm – Saturday Afternoon Milonga. DJ: Balazs Gyenis – £15
6.30 pm to 8.30 pm – Special Musicality Workshop with El Cachivache and Tomás Corbalan (Workshop 2) – £30
8.30 pm to 2 am – Saturday Gala Milonga with LIVE Traditional Tango Set from El Cachivache – Orkesta and performance from Winston Veerender and Silvia Bivolaru. DJ: Fabienne Inez – £35

Sunday 8th May

2 pm to 6 pm – Saturday Afternoon Milonga – £15
6.30 pm to 8.30 pm – Special Musicality Workshop with El Cachivache and Tomás Corbalan (Workshop 3) – £30
8.30 pm to midnight – Sunday closing Milonga – £15

DJs are still being finalised but rest assured that they will be world class. We will publish the details shortly.

All the Milongas and Workshops will happen in the beautiful and spacious hall at the following location: